Bilbao School » GRAMMAR SECTION B.1.1: LESSON 1. Interest, Interested in + something/someone, Pleasure, Crazy about + something/someone GRAMMAR SECTION B.1.1: LESSON 1. Interest, Interested in + something/someone, Pleasure, Crazy about + something/someone – Bilbao School of English

GRAMMAR SECTION B.1.1: LESSON 1. Interest, Interested in + something/someone, Pleasure, Crazy about + something/someone

Interest      Interested in + something / someone      Pleasure
Crazy about + something / someone

An activity that you enjoy doing when you aren’t working is an interest. We use interested in to express that we want to know more about someone or something and that it is something we enjoy doing or learning about.

a) Tell us about your interests, please.

b) She is interested in art and also interested in learning about history.

Pleasure describes a feeling of happiness, enjoyment, or satisfaction.

c) He smiled with pleasure when she walked into the room.

d) It was a pleasure to meet you.

e) He takes pleasure in his work and also takes pleasure in helping others.

If you are crazy about something, it means that you love it. If you are crazy about someone, it means that you really like them in a romantic way.

f) He’s crazy about surfing and crazy about sports in general. He trains every day.

g) They only met two weeks ago, but he is crazy about her.

*After prepositions, for example in and about, the verb that follows is +ing form


What are some of your interests?
Do you have time for all of your interests?
Are you crazy about anything? What?
Do you take pleasure in your job?
Are you interested in politics?
What gives you the most pleasure in life?

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